Friday, January 25, 2008

How to remove prorat ? - The easy way, 100% guarantee

Anti Prorat is a tool that removes Prorat Trojan (Prorat Backdoor), fix all problems caused by it, and clean all files created by this maleware.

1. What is Prorat ?

ProRat is a Microsoft Windows based backdoor trojan horse, more commonly known to the Hacker community as a RAT (Remote Administration Tool). As with other trojan horses it uses a client and server. ProRat opens a port on the computer which allows a hacker with the client to perform numerous operations on the server (the machine being controlled). ProRat is available in a free version, and a paid version. In the free version, ProRat cannot connect to users over wireless networks, only over L.A.N (Local Area Network). ProRat is known for its server to be almost impossible to remove without up-to-date antivirus software.
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2. How to remove Prorat ?
As you read, Prorat server is very almost impossible to remove due it very smart ways to hide in many Windows system files and services.

I studied Prorat Server and its Server Downloader for a long time. and I finally created a tools that removes it successfully and fix all problems caused by it.

Impossible is nothing:
It was my dream since I learn programming to make this tool. To prove that PRO Group is not perfect and they didn't create the irremovable Trojan as they say.
The way:
If you follow these steps correctly without missing any of them you will remove any Prorat Server including Prorat Special Edition 2.0 or older releases.

Go to this page:

Anti Prorat - The Official Page

and download Anti Prorat

Unzip the files, not all files will be unziped. because the main tool is protected with a password.

You need to follow some steps to get the password from the website.

After you get your password. Use it to Unzip all tool files in the desktop

after that run the tool AntiProrat.exe
a txt file will pop up. It is the way how to remove the Prorat backdoor from your computer.

# Click [ SCAN ] button.
# If you are infected you will see Anti Prorat working in the background
(It is killing the Prorat Trojan + fixing the problems caused by it)
# Because Prorat infects the system in the roots. You will have to restart your computer now
Anti Prorat will restart your computer, in case it hangs up - just press the restart button!
# After restarting your computer. Relucnh Anti Prorat. and rescan your system.
This will clean the DLL files and the old Trojan files that were created.
# Your System should be clean now!! Try to do this:
Write this command: telnet localhost 5110
You shouldn't get any connections because the Trojan is dead.
In case you got a connection, please rescan your system. If Anti Prorat failed to clean your system after
trying all these steps. contact me at my website.

Please post any comments or Questions. I will be glade to answer.
Thank you for reading...
Stay Safe!